X Street Navigation Center
The 100-bed X-Street Navigation Center in Sacramento opened September 21st, 2021. Priority is given to unsheltered adults in the immediate vicinity of the shelter. Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) oversees the operations of the shelter while Volunteers of America (VOA) provides the daily on-site services of shelter operations. All shelter guests will be given access to a myriad of services that will meet them where they are and assist them in obtaining permanent housing.
SHRA has partnered with various entities to serve the guests.
- Volunteers of America (VOA) oversees onsite shelter operations.
- Sacramento Steps Forward (SSF) manages the Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
Entry to the X Street Navigation Center is through a closed referral process. This project does not have a waiting list.
- For information about homeless services and programs, click here to visit the Sacramento Steps Forward website.
Quick Links
SHRA is providing weekly and monthly updates on the X Street Navigation Center. If you have questions about the reports, please email the Homeless Innovations Department at hiquestions@shra.org.
Current Weekly Report
Viewable X Street Weekly Report – 3.15.25
For easier viewing, expand the book to a full page by clicking on the at the bottom right corner.
Weekly Reports
Monthly Reports
The X Street Navigation Center Advisory Committee meets to provide attendees with an update on the progress the shelter is making. We welcome community questions and topics of interest for consideration. All perspectives are valued.
Please join us via Zoom for our next Advisory Committee Meeting on Wednesday, April 13th, 2022.
Join Zoom Meeting https://cityofsacramento-org.zoom.us/j/98920725433?pwd=L3hYcjdyYVg1eC80RnZvWUFCdkh1UT09
Meeting ID: 989 2072 5433
Passcode: 536424
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