SHRA Overview
Listed below are informational documents about SHRA. For more information or for specific questions contact SHRA staff at 916-440-1363.
SHRA Communication Publications
Job Descriptions and Salaries
SHRA Organizational Structure
SHRA Nonprofit Component Entities
SHRA has formed four nonprofit component entities which are each separate legal entities organized as 501c(3) nonprofit, public benefit corporations. These nonprofits are not considered affiliates of SHRA as it has no direct control of the nonprofits and has no obligation to assist them financially. However, the nonprofits are considered component entities of SHRA as the Executive Director must approve the members of each Board and each Board has one or more senior SHRA staff as a member.
Phoenix Park – Norwood Ave. Housing Corp. Property
- 501c(3) Nonprofit public benefit corporation established on September 11, 1991.
- Managing General Partner of two LIHTC partnerships (Phoenix Park I LP and Phoenix Park II LP) formed to acquire and rehabilitate units in the Phoenix Park neighborhood revitalization project (formerly known as Franklin Villa). The office/community center of this 360-unit family housing project is located at 4400 Shining Star Drive in south Sacramento.
- The nonprofit has a five member board:
President – La Shelle Dozier, Executive Director, SHRA
Treasurer – Vacant
Secretary – Cassandra Jennings, Executive Director, Greater Sacramento Urban League
Director at Large – Brad Wiblin, Senior Vice President, BRIDGE Housing Corporation
Director at Large – John Griffin, President and CEO, New American Communities
Shasta Hotel
- 501c(3) Nonprofit public benefit corporation established on April 19, 1993.
- Managing General Partner of Shasta Hotel Investors Partnership, a LIHTC partnership with National Equity Fund as the investor LP to acquire and rehabilitate the 80-unit SRO known as the Shasta Hotel located at 1017 10th Street in downtown Sacramento.
- The nonprofit has a five member board:
Chairperson – Brad Wiblin, Senior Vice President, BRIDGE Housing Corporation
Vice Chair – Cassandra Jennings, Executive Director, Saint Hope Academy
Treasurer – Vacant
Secretary – La Shelle Dozier, Executive Director, SHRA
Director at Large – John Griffin, President and CEO, New American Communities

Washington Plaza Apartments – SHARP Property
- SHARP is a 501c(3) Nonprofit public benefit corporation established on June 17, 2009.
- Managing General Partner in three separate LIHTC partnerships formed to acquire and rehabilitate three low-income senior housing properties formerly owned and operated as public housing projects by the Housing Authority of the City of Sacramento. Sierra Vista is a 78-unit senior housing property located at 2300 K Street, Sutterview is a 77-unit senior housing property located at 2526 L Street, and Washington Plaza is a 75-unit senior housing property located at 1318 E Street.
- The nonprofit has a five member board:
President – James Shields, Deputy Executive Director – Administration, SHRA
Treasurer – Vacant
Secretary – Michael Taylor, Director – Construction Services, SHRA
Director at Large – Richard Ciraulo, Senior Project Manager, Mercy Housing Corporation
Director at Large – William Fagan, Retired, Executive Director of Stanislaus Housing Authority
FUND Inc - SHRA Charitable Nonprofit
In 1983, SHRA formed a non-profit affiliate whose mission is to support and sponsor enrichment programs and activities for residents of public housing. For more information on Fund Inc, refer to the link below.