Affordable Multifamily Housing Financial Resources

The Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) provides assistance to developers for the construction and preservation of affordable housing. SHRA offers gap financing and the issuance of tax-exempt bonds for the development or acquisition/rehabilitation of multifamily rental housing projects of 12 or more units in the City of Sacramento and unincorporated areas of the County of Sacramento. Under certain cooperation agreements, SHRA may also finance affordable housing developments in other cities within the County. All housing financed by SHRA carries affordability restrictions on some or all of the units.

The goals of the Multifamily Housing Loan Program and Mortgage Revenue Bond Program are to:

  • Increase and preserve the supply of affordable rental housing for all income groups, including those requiring supportive services.

  • Facilitate community and neighborhood revitalization through strategic investments in deteriorated properties and new construction.

  • Encourage economic integration within neighborhoods and within affordable developments, to the greatest extent possible.

  • Maintain quality and sustainable living environments for residents of assisted affordable developments and surrounding properties.

  • Increase the efficiency of funding by obtaining the fullest leverage of non-SHRA funds.

Detailed information regarding SHRA underwriting is provided in the following documents:

Pre-applications for SHRA loans are accepted per the schedule shown below. After review of the pre-application and based on funding availability, staff will request full applications from applicants who best meet project priorities and other program requirements.  Pre-applications should be emailed to Christine Weichert and Whitney Hinton at and  by January 2, 2025.

Pre-Application Results

Submitting a Full Application – For developers invited to submit a full application.

To request any of the above linked PDFs as a Word document, please email Christine Weichert at

For more information on Multifamily Housing Finance, contact us at 916-440-1393.

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