Landlord Resources

NOTICE: On January 29, 2025, the US Office of Management and Budget on behalf of President Trump announced that the Executive Order to pause federal loan and grant assistance is rescinded. SHRA will continue Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) to landlords.


You can visit the Landlord Portal for online tools and resources, register to attend the “Virtual Landlord Drop-In Hours”, schedule a phone or virtual appointment using the links found under the Contact Information for the HCV Program section of the HCV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page,  or contact our communication center at 916-440-1390 to speak with a representative.

Documents can be mailed, faxed to 916-449-1285, or submitted via the Drop Box in the parking lot at 630 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.

SHRA works with private landlords through both the federal Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program and at locally funded projects where SHRA served as a lender. The links below provides detailed information regarding resources and requirements related to these activities.

Virtual Landlord Drop-In Hours

Tuesday Landlord Drop-in Hours 8:30 to 11:30

Thursday Landlord Drop-in Hours 1:00 to 3:00 –

During Landlord Drop in Hours, housing providers are served first come first served. We serve one housing provider at a time in order to protect personal information. Housing providers will be kept in waiting room until it is their turn.


Housing Choice Voucher Customer Service Survey


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