Housing Choice Voucher Program
Did you know that you can visit the:
Schedule an appointment using the links found under the Contact Information for the HCV Program section of the HCV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page or contact our communication center at 916-440-1390 to speak with a representative. You must have an appointment to receive assistance at the office. Documents can be mailed, faxed to 916-449-1285, or submitted via the Drop Box in the parking lot at 630 I Street, Sacramento, CA 95814.
The Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program (formerly known as Section 8) provides assistance to very low-income individuals and families to enable them to afford decent, safe, and sanitary housing in the private rental housing market. In Sacramento, the HCV program for the City and County of Sacramento (including all incorporated cities in the County) is operated by the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency (SHRA) acting as the Housing Authority of the County of Sacramento. The HCV program includes both Tenant Based Vouchers and the Project Based Vouchers.
For information on how to apply click here.
Tenant Based Vouchers – this program provides housing assistance on behalf of the family or individual and participants are free to choose any housing unit in the County where the owner agrees to rent under the program and that meets program requirements, including single-family homes, townhouses and apartments. The housing subsidy is paid to the private landlord directly by SHRA on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.
Project Based Vouchers – This program provides housing assistance at specific privately owned affordable housing communities.
For regular updates about wait list openings/closings or changes, follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter.
For information regarding the local policies that govern the HCV program, please go here for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Administrative Plan and Five-Year Plan and other related financial documents.
Finding Housing Using Your Voucher Workshop
This workshop will help voucher holders understand how to be rent ready, how to ensure a unit is affordable and what rent reasonableness is, understanding the application process, and the RFTA/inspection process. This training is open to all voucher holders, but may be mandatory for some voucher extension requests. The workshop will take on every other Monday at 2:30pm.
Using Your Voucher to Find a Unit Videos
HCV Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Listed below are FAQs related to the HCV Program for those interested in applying for assistance through the HCV program. If you are already on the waiting list or already have a voucher, please refer to the FAQ located in the “Resident Resources” section of the website. If you have already applied but do not yet have a voucher, contact us at 916-440-1390 for additional assistance.
How to Apply/Waiting List Information
Are the wait lists currently open?
The Housing Authority manages 12 different wait lists, which open and close based on availability and other factors.
For current information on status of open and closed wait lists, please refer to www.sacwaitlist.com.
How can I apply for assistance through the Housing Choice Voucher/Section 8 Program?
Apply online at www.sacwaitlist.com using any device with internet access and an email address. There is no charge to apply. Information can be translated in multiple languages directly on the website. Or, you may submit a request for assistance or for a paper application by clicking here. For reasonable accommodation, please call 916-440-1390 | TTY 711 or 1 (800) 855-7100.
How can I be notified when the wait list is open?
Waiting list opening notices will be posted on SHRA’s website, Facebook and Twitter as well as in the local media including the local newspaper. We encourage you to monitor our website or to follow us on Facebook and/or Twitter.
After I apply, how long should I expect to be on the waiting list?
Once you have been added, the length of time spent on the waiting lists depends on multiple factors such as when the application was submitted and on the number of preference points the family or individual has. Preference points are based on factors such as:
• if you are a resident or work in Sacramento County,
• if someone in your household is disabled,
• if you are rent burdened (the amount of rent you currently pay compared to income),
• if you or a family member is a veteran,
• if you are homeless.
For more information on the preference system, refer to the current HCV Administrative Plan at this link.
The frequency and volume of applicants selected from each of the waiting lists varies as well depending on the number of families exiting the program, making way for new program participants. The best way to ensure that you are selected as quickly as possible is to sign up for all waiting lists for which you qualify and are interested. Due to the fact that the waiting lists are constantly changing as discussed above, we are unable to provide you with your exact position on the waiting list.
Can anyone apply to be on the wait list?
Everyone has an equal opportunity to apply for housing, and U.S. citizenship is not a requirement to submit an application.
If an applicant is placed on the wait list (one of the 7,000 that will be randomly selected), once they are contacted for a housing opportunity, they will be asked to provide up to date information that will assist in verifying their eligibility to receiving housing assistance. At least one family member listed on the application must be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant to be eligible to receive a voucher.
How do I update my information once I am on the waiting list?
In order to maintain your status on the waiting lists and so that staff can reach you if you are selected, you must notify SHRA in writing within 30 days of any changes to your household, such as:
• a change of address,
• addition or removal of household members,
• an increase or decrease in income.
• change of email address or phone number.
To update your information, visit sacwaitlist.com.
During a recent open wait list period, I was contacted by an entity who said they could help me with my application by paying for a credit check. Is that a normal part of your process?
No, it is not. There is never a fee to apply. Please do not provide any money or provide any personal information to any organization that may contact you.
If I was removed or denied from the waiting list, what can I do to appeal the denial or the removal?
If the application is denied for cause (ie. did not meet eligibility or preference requirements), families may appeal the decision by requesting an Informal Review or hearing. The process for requesting an Informal Review is written on the letter denying the application. If the family was removed from the waitlist for failing to respond, there is no right to an informal review, however, the family may request to be reinstated due to extenuating circumstances. Please contact staff regarding the documentation and proof required to receive this type of reinstatement.
What if I have a criminal conviction on my record? Am I able to receive housing assistance?
As part of the application, staff will run a background check on members of the household listed on the application over the age of 18. If there are convictions related to drugs, fraudulent or violent criminal activity that took place within the past three years, it may lead to further review of your application. An individualized review of mitigating circumstances will be conducted before a decision is made. If the application is still denied after individualized review, this decision can be appealed by requesting an Informal Review.
HCV Voucher Briefings
This voucher briefing is for New to the program families, mover families that are currently on the HCV program, and for Port In families.
New to the program Briefings?
For a briefing video, click here.
Portability Briefing.
If you are porting INTO Sacramento, please select this link.
Mover (families currently on the HCV program)
Please view the movers briefing here.
Project Based Orientation
If you are working to be leased up in any of the Project Based sites, please select this link.
Eligibility Information
Does my prior rental history and credit status impact my eligibility?
As the HCV program works with landlords in the private rental market, each landlord has different screening guidelines and standards. Rental and credit history are evaluated by the landlords and may impact your ability to obtain assistance.
Do I need to be a citizen to receive housing assistance?
Everyone has an equal opportunity to apply for housing, and U.S. citizenship is not a requirement to submit an application.
If an applicant is placed on the wait list (one of the 7,000 that will be randomly selected), once they are contacted for a housing opportunity, they will be asked to provide up to date information that will assist in verifying their eligibility to receiving housing assistance. At least one family member listed on the application must be a U.S. citizen or legal immigrant to be eligible to receive a voucher.
What are the income limits to qualify for HCV housing?
A: The maximum allowable income to qualify for HCV is listed below.
Family Size | Income Limit |
1 | $41,300 |
2 | $47,150 |
3 | $53,050 |
4 | $58,950 |
5 | $63,650 |
6 | $68,400 |
7 | $73,100 |
8 | $77,850 |
9 | $82,550 |
10 | $87,250 |
11 | $92,000 |
12 | $96,700 |
The full table is available HERE
What is a “reasonable accommodation”?
A “reasonable accommodation” is a change, exception, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice, or service that may be necessary for a person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from SHRA’s housing programs. The reasonable accommodation process applies to both applicants and program participants and determinations are made on a case-by-case basis. A reasonable accommodation must first be requested, preferably in writing, before it can be considered and both the disability and the need for an accommodation must be verified.
Can a request for a reasonable accommodation be denied?
Yes. A request for a reasonable accommodation may be denied if:
- there is no disability-related need for the accommodation;
- the accommodation is not reasonable;
- it would impose an undue financial, operational or administrative burden on the Housing Authority;
- there is an alternative available other than the requested accommodation;
- the disability is not verified.
SHRA’s reasonable accommodation policy can be found at this link under the Public Housing Agency Plans and Reports tab in the Housing Choice Voucher Administrative Plan document.
Finding a Place to Rent
The Housing Authority has launched a new tool to help bridge the gap between landlords looking to rent their properties and tenants in search of properties to rent.
The new web-based tool, Affordable Housing, allows landlords to list an unlimited number of properties, which subsequently gives tenants immediate access to housing opportunities that fit their needs and that is within their search preferences for housing. Try the new tool at Affordable Housing.
Users can choose to set up an optional profile, at no cost, to aid in their search process. A profile provides the user with the opportunity to save searches and favorite properties for future use. Property owners can access a database of prospective tenants that are actively looking to rent, match their property with a tenant’s needs, and then contact the tenant directly. Affordable Housing also offers free call center support to both owners and tenants.
Users will be directed to an external website over which SHRA has no control. Advertising or other messaging on the Affordable Housing website do not reflect the views of, or pertain to programs or services provided by SHRA.
Please click on the following links for additional resources as you search for housing in Sacramento County.
Higher Opportunity Areas: click here.
Crime statistics: https://www.sacsheriff.com/Pages/Services/OnlineCrimeMapping.aspx
Transportation: www.sacrt.com and http://www.paratransit.org/
School district information: https://schools.scoe.net/
How to Find and Keep Housing Using Your Voucher Video
HCV Program Forms
How to Report change of Household Composition
How to Report of change of income
HUD form 214 citizenship or eligible immigration
HUD form 1141 Fraud in HUD housing
HUD Form 9886 – Authorization for Release of Information
HUD form 5382 Violence Against Women Act
HUD Form 52675 – Debts owed to Public Housing and Terminations
HUD Form 92006 – Emergency Contact
Social Security “How to create an online account”
Contact Information for the HCV Program
For more information about the Housing Choice Voucher program, contact the Customer Service line at (916) 440-1390. You may also send a fax to us at (916) 449-1285, or use our drop box located outside our office building at 630 I Street, Sacramento, near the entrance to our parking lot on 7th Street. We are open by appointment only. If you have an in-person appointment, please come to our office at 630 I Street.
Are you an Applicant? Do you need help with…
- to Apply to a Waiting List
- Intake Housing Choice Voucher paper application already submitted
- a Change of Income
- a Change of Household
- to request a Voucher Extension
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Other
To make an appointment, click here
Are you porting to Sacramento (Moving with a voucher from one another Housing Authority)?
Has the paperwork from your Housing Authority been sent to SHRA?
To make an appointment, click here
Are you a current SHRA HCV Participant? Are you currently living in a unit with a voucher?
Do you need help with…
- Annual Recertification
- Change of Income
- Change of Household
- Resident Portal
- Move Request
- Portability (Moving out of Sacramento County)
- Landlord has Served a Notice
- Voucher Extension
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Other
To make an appointment, click here
Do you need help with Owner/Landlord and Lease-Up Services?
- Abatement
- Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) submitted
- Owner Agent Payee Change
- Rent Increase
- Landlord Portal
- Utility Change
- Housing Assistance Payment (HAP) Contract
- Payments
- Other
To make an appointment, click here
Do you need to schedule an inspection or have questions about an inspection?
Call or email to schedule an inspection: inspections@nanmckay.com or call 916-800-6155.
Do you need assistance with a Project-Based Voucher, RAD or Section 18?
Have you submitted an application or are you currently living in a project-based voucher unit such as the following locations: Phoenix Park, Saybrook, Serna, Mirasol Village, Courtyard at Orange Grove, La Mancha, Downtown Elderly units, etc.…
Do you need help with an application submitted?
To make an appointment, click here
Are you currently living in a Project-Based Voucher unit or in the process of moving?
To make an appointment, click here
Do you have a VASH voucher or have received a referral for VASH? This is a referral only program.
Do you need help with an application submitted?
To make an appointment, click here
Are you currently living in a unit or in the move process with a VASH voucher? Are you currently living at Mather Veterans Village or Hotel Berry?
To make an appointment, click here
Do you need assistance with a Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) submitted?
To make an appointment, click here
Do you need help with a FSRP/Pathways or P3 voucher? These are referral only programs.
Do you need help with…
- Annual Recertification
- Change of Income
- Change of Household
- Resident Portal
- Move Request
- Portability (Moving out of Sacramento County)
- Landlord has Served a Notice
- Voucher Extension
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Other
To make an appointment, click here
Are you on the Shelter Plus Care Program? This is a referral only program.
Do you need help with an application submitted? Are you currently living in a unit or in the process of moving?
To make an appointment, click here
Reasonable Accommodation
What is a Reasonable Accommodation?
Based on Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, a reasonable accommodation is a change, exception or adjustment to a rule, policy practice or service that may be necessary for the person with a disability to have an equal opportunity to any program or service receiving federal funds (including the Housing Authority programs).
In addition, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the Fair Housing Act prohibit discrimination in housing related activities based on disability.
What is the definition of a Person with a Disability?
A person with a disability is any person who:
- Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of an individual; or
- Has a record of having such impairment; or
- Is regarded as having such impairment
What is the Housing Authority Staff Role and Responsibility?
Housing Authority employees are responsible for ensuring that the Agency does not discriminate against a person with a disability by refusing to make a reasonable accommodation that may be necessary to allow that person equal access under any of the programs administered by the Housing Authority.
Requesting Reasonable Accommodation
A reasonable accommodation request(s) may be made by or on behalf of a person with a disability to any Housing Authority staff. If a participant or applicant indicates that an exception, change, or adjustment to a rule, policy, practice or service is needed because of a disability, the Housing Authority staff must treat that information as a request for a reasonable accommodation even if no formal written request is made.
Verbal requests are the most common types of requests. In cases such as these, the participant is provided a Reasonable Accommodation form.
Be advised that if the participant or applicant does not complete the “Official RA form,” it does not negate or cancel out the fact that a reasonable accommodation request was made.
For more information about the reasonable accommodation process please click here.
For more information, please contact:
MaryLiz Paulson, 504 Coordinator, HCV Director
630 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
SHRA’s reasonable accommodation policy can be found here.
To access HUD’s Section 504, Fair Housing, and ADA notices, regulations and supportive documents click here.
Reporting Fraud
When reporting suspected fraud, please be specific regarding what you have witnessed, including the name/s of the person/s you suspect committed the fraud, where they live (if known), and when the alleged incident occurred.
These are the ways to report fraud:
- Call our Fraud Hotline at 916-440-1381
- Email allegations to programabuse@shra.org
- Mail written allegations of fraud to:
Sacramento Housing & Redevelopment Agency
Attn: Fraud/Compliance Department
630 I Street
Sacramento, CA 95814
Fair Housing Resources
Information at this link contains resources that may be able to assist you with your housing concerns.
Quick Links:
For a list of housing available to rent, please click here.
Housing Choice Voucher Customer Service Survey
Utility Allowance Charts
HCV Duplex/Townhomes/Semi-Detached (2024)
EE Apartments – Walk Up (2024)
HCV Duplex/Townhouse/Semi-Detached
Note: Utility calculations can be calculated using the Affordability Worksheet.
What qualifies for energy-efficient utility allowance calculation?
- Energy Savings Design – The model provides for buildings that have undergone energy savings improvements with a series of radio buttons: Energy Star Certification, LEED Certification, and Significant Green Retrofit. The model is normally set to None, indicating that the building does not meet an energy saving standard.
- Users choose Energy Star Certification, which represents 18% in energy savings, if the residence being estimated meets the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) standard as an Energy Star property.
- Users can also select LEED Certification, a 25% energy reduction, if the property meets the LEED standards according to the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC).
- Finally, the user may choose Significant Green Retrofit, signifying an 18% impact on energy efficiency, if the building has had an energy saving rehabilitation to any of the following systems in the last five years: Heating; Cooling; Lighting; DHW system; Appliances; Building envelope; Water measures; or On-site generation
Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMR)
Online Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA)
You can now complete a Request for Tenancy Approval (RFTA) online! Visit rfta.shra.org to start.
The RFTA packet is the formal documentation that is completed to begin the lease-up process with the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program.
The Landlord will start the process by going to rfta.shra.org. Landlords will then complete the online RFTA which takes about 20 minutes.
The Resident will want to provide the Landlord their:
- TCode
- First and Last Name
- Phone number
- Email address (important since this is how Resident’s will sign!)
Port In/ Port Out Procedures
The Sacramento County Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program is currently billing for voucher holders who move into Sacramento County or “port-in” from other public housing agencies (PHAs).
This is subject to change at any time.
Porting in to Sacramento County:
Once the HCV participant receives portability approval, the initial PHA must contact SHRA and submit the following documentation:
- Form HUD-52665
- Copies of income verification forms
- Copy of the voucher
- Permanent records
- Copy of the most recent Form HUD-50058
- Enterprise Income Verification (EIV)
- Housing choice voucher holder contact information
After SHRA receives all necessary documentation, the HCV participant will be contacted within 14 days to receive an appointment for a Port-In Briefing.
- Port-In briefings are held every Thursday by appointment only.
- All adult members of the household that are porting in must pass a criminal background check.
The HCV participant can continue with the leasing process pending the outcome of the criminal background check on all adult household members.
If the criminal background check shows that a family member has a conviction that consists of violence or drugs within the last three years, the file will be sent to the Admission Review Team (ART).
- If the ART team approves the family, then SHRA will proceed with leasing the family up.
- If the ART team denies the family, the family will be denied and their file will be sent back to the initial Housing Authority
The PHA must permanently deny assistance to applicants or participants to the HCV program if the PHA determines that any member of the household has ever been convicted of manufacturing or producing methamphetamine or is a registered sex offender
Submit Documents to:
Attn: Portability
630 I Street Sacramento, CA 95814
Fax: 916-449-1285
Phone: 916-440-1390
Portability packets can be emailed to:
Porting out of Sacramento County:
Current HCV Participants
For voucher holders who live in Sacramento and want to move out of the county, please contact your SHRA caseworker and let them know you would like to port to another jurisdiction.
- The housing caseworker will determine if you are eligible to port-out.
- If you owe money to Sacramento County or are in the first year of your lease, you are not eligible to port.
- If your recertification is due within 4 months of your port date, you will be required to complete a new recertification prior to being put in a movers briefing.
- If you are eligible to port out of Sacramento you will be given a portability move appointment.
After the portability move appointment, the housing caseworker will prepare your paperwork for transfer to the new (receiving) housing authority and send them your documents.
Housing Choice Voucher Monthly Report